Profit from Articles: Article Directories::
Websites that house free articles are called article directories. As a promotion method, the articles are put there by whoever owns the copyright. Every article has the authors byline put beneath it in order for the people who ultimately read the article to become familiar with the writer and at a minimum be able to contact the author via email or their own website.
A directory of articles is a good place to post your articles to earn you some cash. People will view you as an expert and use your product or services, as a result of your having written an article. If you are unable to write an article based on the idea you want to promote, consider hiring someone to do the writing for you. Frankly having excellent articles written for your site will be costly, but they will more than pay for their high cost immediately, by the number of customers your site attracts or by the amount of products sold on your site.
Let’s consider this actual example. Consider the scenario that you are an accountant that works from your house. You pen an article on an accounting theme and post it on different web blogs. An individual who reads your article will notice your skill and overall knowledge about a subject related to their needs and will contact you through your website or drop you an email. Whether it is one time revenue or a repeat customer, you will have earned a profit.
Others who have affiliate websites for accounting will use your article on their website, as it will be in a free article directory. You will receive exposure for each site posting your article as it will have your byline. The additional traffic on their website will benefit you.
Available for use are any number of article directories. For maximum exposure, you should put copies of all of your articles in article directories. This ultimately will increase the number of hits to your site, which, in turn, will result in additional sales and profit.
/ Articles Marketing
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Articles Marketing
8:57 PM
Articles Marketing,
classified sites,
list of articles sites,
List of cgi sites,
List of classified Sites,
list of directories sites,
list of forum Sites,
list of non cgi sites,
list of seo Sites
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